The World Nutrition Congress, takes place at a time of unprecedented challenges in population nutrition.
The Global South is experiencing a rapid ‘nutrition transition’, where an increasing number of Southern countries are faced with a ‘double burden’ of malnutrition, persisting high levels of chronic undernutrition and escalating rates of overweight and obesity, with their accompanying diseases.
The theme of the congress aimed to highlight ways to address the double burden of malnutrition in a globalised world.
Researchers, policymakers, students, and activists came together from different fields ranging from land and agriculture, through to dietetics, food retail and advertising, health systems, and nutritional outcomes.
Attendees & participants were treated to scientific presentations, critical debates and planned actions by internationally recognized researchers and leaders in their field.
The 2016 Conference was co-hosted by UWC, the School of Public Health at UWC, and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security.