Partner Publication

National Food and Nutrition Security Survey: Provincial Report: Western Cape

Published 8 January 2024, by Simelane, T., Mutanga, S., Hongoro, C., Parker, W., Mjimba, V., Zuma, K., Kajombo, R., Ngidi, M., Masamha, B., Mokhele, T., Ngungu, M., Sinyolo, S., Managa, R., Tshililo, F., Ubisi, N,. Skhosana, F., Muthige, M., . Dukhi, N., Sewpaul, R., Mkhongi, A., Ndinda, C., Sithole, M., Lunga, W., Tshitangano, F., Marinda, E.

Publication: National Food and Nutrition Security Survey: Provincial Report: Western Cape

This report is based on the empirical evidence collected from selected Small Area Layers (SALs) within the five districts of the Western Cape province. SAL is the smallest geographical unit usually allocated to a single enumerator during census enumeration. In other words, it constitutes a small piece of land for an enumerator to cover to administer a questionnaire during a census or study (Statistics South Africa). Each of the SALs in this survey had 35 visiting points (households). The results provide a baseline assessment of the status quo of food and nutrition security in the province. The data was collected within the data was collected more than 8 months after the COVID-19 lockdown measures, a period characterized by much more relaxed restrictive COVID-19 measures. This greatly influenced and changed the picture from what would ordinarily obtain under a normal situation. Whilst this research project has benefited from the valuable insights and input of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) that provided comments and reviewed the final research report, the ultimate responsibility for the contents therein (including but not limited to unintentional errors, inaccuracies, or omissions) rests with the authors and researchers involved. Users of this research should exercise their judgment and discretion when interpreting the findings and recommendations presented herein.

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