University of Cape Town's Jaques Rousseau delivered a presentation titled "Sugar addiction: Potential harms, probable pleasures, and pervasive paternalism"
Prof Gunnar Sigge, Head of Department & Associate Professor at Stellenbosch University's Department of Food Science is SAAFoST Past President (2010 – 2013) and an affiliate of the CoE in Food Security whose project focuses on Biochar research for water health
Consumer Journalist Wendy Knowler of the Times Media Group presented on "Burning food issues raised by consumers"
As part of our capacity building mandate, each year the CoE in Food Security provides funding opportunities for postgraduate students to participate at both local and international conferences.
CoE director Professor Julian May delivered a presentation titled: "Food insecurity: Are we at risk and what can be done?" during the international congress
University of Pretoria's Professor Naushad Emmambux's research focuses on novel technologies in food science to address nutrition related issues. At the SAAFoST Congress, Emmambux, also an affiliate of the CoE delivered a presentation on "Update on dietary fibre issues: Definition, method of analyses, health implication and regulatory aspects"