
CoE-FS 10th Anniversary Symposium – Food safety and One Health

Published May 13, 2024, by CoE-FS

Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Time: 13h00 – 15h00 (SAST)

Chaired by Professor Lise Korsten (CoE-FS Co-director)

Session description: Delving into the interconnection between food safety, human health, animal health, and ecosystem integrity.


  • Overview of 10 years of research – Prof Lise Korsten (CoE-FS/UP)
  • Meta-data analysis of food safety in the informal sector – Dr Loandi Richter (CoE-FS/UP)
  • How safe are your leafy green vegetables purchased in the informal sector? – Degracious Kgoale (CoE-FS/UP)
  • Food safety in the One-Health context – Manana Dlangalala (CoE-FS/UP)
  • Food safety of indigenous foods – Tintswalo Molelekoa (CoE-FS/UP)
  • Cryptosporidium in our food system – Robyn Schipper (CoE-FS/UP)
  • One Food for thought – Sheldon Viviers (CoE-FS/UP).

Speakers bios

Professor Lise Korsten

Professor Lise Korsten is the co-director of the CoE-FS, and the president of the African Academy of Science. Professor Korsten is based at the University of Pretoria, in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Her research focuses on complementary fields of postharvest technology and food safety related to international trade in fresh produce requirements.

Dr Loandi Richter

Dr Loandi Richter is a postdoctoral researcher based at the University of Pretoria, in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Her research focuses on Produce Quality and Safety.

Degracious Kgoale


Manana Dlangalala 


Tintswalo Molelekoa


Robyn Schipper


Sheldon Viviers


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