Book Chapters

Sorghum and Millets: Chemistry, Technology and Nutritional Attributes

Sorghum and Millets: Chemistry, Technology and Nutritional Attributes, Second Edition, is a new, fully revised edition of this widely read book published by AACC International. With an
internationally recognized editorial team, this new edition covers, in detail, the history, breeding, production, grain chemistry, nutritional quality and handling of sorghum and
millets. Chapters focus on biotechnology, grain structure and chemistry, nutritional properties, traditional and modern usage in foods and beverages, and industrial and non

related Publications

Journal Articles
Proteomic dataset of sorghum leaf and root responses to single and combined drought and heat stress
Journal Articles
Reduction of Mycotoxins during Fermentation of Whole Grain Sorghum to Whole Grain Ting (a Southern African Food)
Joint Publications
Reduction of Mycotoxins during Fermentation of Whole Grain Sorghum to Whole Grain Ting (a Southern African Food)

Mycotoxins are fungal secondary metabolites that pose health risks to exposed individuals, requiring necessary measures to reduce them. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), mycotoxins were quantified in whole grain sorghum and ting subsequently derived from two sorghum varieties (high and low tannin). The whole grain (WG) ting samples ...