Partner Publication

National Food and Nutrition Security Survey: National Report

Published 8 January 2024, by Simelane, T. Mutanga, S.S. Hongoro, C. Parker, W. Mjimba V. Zuma, K. Kajombo, R. Ngidi, M. Masamha, B. Mokhele, T. Managa, R. Ngungu, M. Sinyolo, S. Tshililo, F. Ubisi, N. Skhosana, Ndinda, C. Sithole, M. Muthige, M. Lunga, W. Tshitangano, F. Dukhi, N., F. Sewpaul, R. Mkhongi, A. Marinda, E.

Publication: National Food and Nutrition Security Survey: National Report

South Africa is remarkably one of the countries that explicitly recognizes the right to food in its foundational document, the Constitution. Section 27 (1) (b) of the Constitution states that everyone has the right to have access to sufficient food and water and that the state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realization of each of these rights.

Improving food and nutrition security is, therefore, a priority for the country. Detailed data on the status and trends for food insecurity and malnutrition is essential for effective policy decisions, planning, and targeting of interventions.

South Africa is a signatory of the Dar Es Salaam Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security. Under this declaration, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat was mandated by all SADC Heads of State to enhance coordination of the vulnerability assessment and analysis activities taking place in various member states. This was based on a clear recognition that accurate food insecurity and vulnerability assessments are vital for enabling coherent planning, policy development, advocacy, and targeting of food security interventions. The mandate given to SADC resulted in the formation of the Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis (RVAA) Programme and National Vulnerability Assessment Committees (NVACs).

Vulnerability assessments are, therefore, conducted through the National Vulnerability Assessment Committees (NVACs). In South Africa, the South African Vulnerability Assessment Committee (SAVAC) is responsible for conducting the vulnerability assessments and analysis. The DALRRD serves as the secretariat and chair of the SAVAC. SAVAC plays a crucial role in identifying the main drivers of food insecurity in South Africa, and advising on targeted interventions. By conducting vulnerability assessments, the committee gains a better understanding of the socio-economic factors that contribute to food insecurity and ensure that resources and policies are effectively directed towards addressing these root causes. The DALRRD provides support as the secretariat and, likewise, coordinates the SAVAC partners towards ensuring that the Committee is well- equipped to drive the development of innovative solutions that tackle food insecurity assessment head-on.

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