Publication: National Food and Nutrition Security Survey: Provincial Report: Limpopo
This report is based on information gathered from specific Small Area Layers (SALs) located throughout South Africa’s nine provinces. A Small Area Layer is the smallest geographic unit that is typically assigned to a single enumerator during a census or enumeration. For the National Food and Nutrition Security Survey, 35 visiting points (households) made up the SAL. Except for Limpopo Province whose SALs had 20 visiting points (households). The findings presented in this report provide a baseline assessment of South Africa’s current state of food and nutrition security. The data was gathered at the peak of Covid-19 in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North West provinces. The overall effects of strict Covid-19 restrictions are likely to have an influence on the results presented in these three provinces due to the limited movements and interaction among people. Data collection in the rest of the provinces was done in less restrictive Covid-19 lockdown measures however the post covid effects may have influenced the overall outcome on some of the food security and nutrition indicators. This research project has benefited from the valuable insights and input of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) that provided comments and reviewed the final research reports. Ultimately, the contents of this research project are the responsibility of the authors and principal researchers involved. Users of this research should exercise their judgment and discretion when interpreting the findings and recommendations presented herein.
South Africa is remarkably one of the countries that explicitly recognizes the right to food in its foundational document, the Constitution. Section 27 (1) (b) of the Constitution states that everyone has the right to have access to sufficient food and water and that the state must take reasonable legislative and other ...
This report is based on the empirical evidence collected from selected Small Area Layers (SALs) within the five districts of the Western Cape province. SAL is the smallest geographical unit usually allocated to a single enumerator during census enumeration. In other words, it constitutes a small piece of land for ...