[CANCELLED] Critical Food Studies Seminar: Hunger and University Students in South Africa

Date: March 18, 2020
Time: 11h00 - 13h00
Venue: UWC, Dean’s Boardroom (Old Arts Faculty Building)

In line with nation wide decisions to avoid large gatherings until further notice, this seminar has been cancelled.

The first Critical Food Studies Programme seminar for the year 2020, involves an intra-institutional panel of speakers addressing what has become a very prominent topic in transdisciplinary food studies: “Hunger and University Students”

Speakers include:

Dr. Marc Wegeref (UP)

Prof. Desiree Lewis (UWC)

TBC Speaker from Dullah Omar Centre (UWC)

Ms. Limpho Makapela (Gender Equity Unit, UWC)

Universities, both in South Africa and globally, are focusing increasingly on teaching and research around food. Many also now drive interventions into food access for their primary constituency: students. Speakers reflect on how this phenomenon can be critically dealt with by considering:

  • The range, scope and key arguments of a growing body of research on hunger at South African universities
  • Progressive students’ knowledge and demands vis-à-vis food security discourses
  • The role of the Big Food industry, such as Tiger Brands, as donors of food to university students
  • University feeding programmes such as food pantries
  • How neoliberal postcolonial universities are tasked with solving social problems meant to be those of the state

RSVP by 15 March to:

UWC: Dr. Lynn Mafofo@ lmafofo@uwc.ac.za

UP: Dr. Heather Thuynsma @ Heather.Thuynsma@up.ac.za

UKZN: Dr. Sheetal Bhoola@ Bhoolas@ukzn.ac.za

Access Seminar invite here for more information

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We recognise that producers, processors, distributors and consumers are incorporated into the food system under varying terms and returns. We also recognise the economic, social, human and environmental health impacts associated with food security. Therefore our goal is to conduct research, build capacity and disseminate findings that will promote a sustainable food system in South Africa.


Our research is concerned with the scale, nature, causes and consequences of food insecurity in South Africa and elsewhere on the African continent. Thus our mission is to investigate products, technologies, processes and policies that can reduce food insecurity and mitigate its negative outcomes. We seek to make a difference to food security by linking innovative science with critical enquiry.