Call for abstracts for the Journal of African Studies special issue, “Re-reading ‘Africa’ through food”.
Photo: Noahalorwu / Wikimedia Commons.
Professor Desiree Lewis and the intra-institutional programme “Critical Food Studies: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches” invites interested individuals to send a 200-word abstract for consideration for publication in the Journal of African Studies special issue, “Re-reading ‘Africa’ through food”.
Professor Lewis will guest-edit the special issue.
Abstracts must be sent to and by 30 May 2022.
Feedback will be provided and then selected authors will be invited to submit completed articles by no later than February 2023. Authors are required to submit drafts or detailed outlines by October 2022, which may form the basis of a virtual workshop for emerging scholars and writers contributing to this issue.
For possible abstract topics and the issue rationale:
This is according to Professor Desiree Lewis, Principal Investigator of the Critical Food Studies: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches Programme, an intra-institutional…
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