This World Food Day, the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security (CoE-FS) team at the University of Pretoria (UP) and UP’s School of the Arts: Drama collaborated on a series of performance ‘bites’ to commemorate the day. These performances, collectively titled Gastronomies, took place under the theme, “Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow”. The main objective was to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating and food security. To do this, a group of second-year Applied Theatre students took part in themed performances.
The collaboration was led by CoE-FS co-director Professor Lise Korsten, UP School of Arts’ Professor Marié-Heleen Coetzee, and CoE-FS researcher Dr Willeke de Bruin.
This gallery showcases scene two, ‘Food consumption, class and power’.
Photos: David April and Willeke de Bruin.