This programme aims to build livelihoods and food security in the food system to be relevant for Africa, while embracing the global need for technological innovation by paying more attention to indigenous African crops and those that are intensively consumed on the continent, as well as entrenching the importance of grain crops that are of global relevance for food security. It also focuses on the economic costs and benefits of innovation for small-scale agriculture.
Projects under this umbrella explored SMART food processing and drought responses in cereals and legumes, with specific work packages addressing technological innovation in food energy-density reduction, nutrient-density improvement, and the breeding for drought and heat stress tolerance in crops. The research has been widely cited with recent and highly cited papers in food science, and was used in 2023 by research teams in India working on recent trends in food preservation, as well as by researchers in Iran working on biocontrol bacteria.
The PIs for this programme are Professor Naushad Emmambux (UP) and Professor Ndiko Ludidi (UWC).
The superior agronomic and human nutritional properties of grain legumes (pulses) make them an ideal foundation for future sustainable agriculture. Legume‐based farming is particularly important in Africa, where small‐scale agricultural systems dominate the food production landscape. Legumes provide ...
Professor Ndiko Ludidi heads the University of the Western Cape's Department of Biotechnology. His research focuses on research on the...
ReadProfessor Naushad Emmambux is based at UP's Department of Consumer and Food Science. His research applies food chemistry, cereal science and...
ReadThis programme explores governance structures impacting food security at multiple levels. Projects...
The spectrum of work covered by this programme includes an exploration of...
In addition, the UNESCO Chair in African Food Systems held by CoE-FS...