Journal Articles

Assessment of irrigation water quality and microbiological safety of leafy greens in different production systems

Foodborne disease outbreaks associated with fresh produce irrigated with contaminated water are a constant threat to consumer health. In this study, the impact of irrigation water on product safety from different food production systems (commercial to small‐scale faming and homestead gardens) was assessed. Hygiene indicators (total coliforms, Escherichia coli), and selected foodborne pathogens (Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli O157:H7) of water and leafy green vegetables were analyzed. Microbiological parameters of all irrigation water (except borehole) exceeded maximum limits set by the Department of Water Affairs for safe irrigation water. Microbial parameters for leafy greens ranged from 2.94 to 4.31 log CFU/g (aerobic plate counts) and 1 to 5.27 log MPN/100g (total coliforms and Ecoli). Salmonella and Ecoli O157:H7 were not detected in all samples tested but Lmonocytogenes was present in irrigation water (commercial and small‐scale farm, and homestead gardens). This study highlights the potential riskiness of using polluted water for crop production in different agricultural settings.



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