Ferreira, R., Botha, K., Fraser, W., du Toit P.J., 2016. Development of an Interdisciplinary School-Based Intervention to Address Food and Nutrition- Related Needs in Poor Communities in South Africa. In: Negatu, W. and Musahara, H. eds. Innovations in Achieving Sustainable Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa. Oxford: African Books Collective. pp. 89-128.
Link: https://muse.jhu.edu/chapter/1851534
The estimated population of 58.8 million South Africans live in a country that is regarded as nationally food secure, but the divide in terms of access to resources and high unemployment continues to render a significant proportion of citizens food insecure and at nutritional risk. In addition, urbanisation is contributing to ...
Anthropometry, the science of measuring and evaluating human body size and proportions, is the backbone of most nutrition surveys and a core component of nutrition assessment. The purpose of this manual is to: • outline equipment requirements, • detail the training of fieldworkers and • provide guidelines for quality assurance procedures for basic ...